Colville and Kettle Falls, Washington, United States
A bartering network serving the Kettle Falls and Colville area of northeastern Washington.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Budget Your Stuff

Hi from Judy:
Have you ever thought about putting "your stuff" on a budget, deciding where it belongs and how much of it you need to have a peaceful, but satisfying lifestyle? Here are a few tips to stimulate your thinking:

1) Reduce/eliminate before you organize--less stuff to have to deal with means an easier job finding appropriate homes for it all.
2) Consider carrying a small pocket-sized notebook with you everywhere you go. That way any time an idea strikes, you can write it down and not have to keep it in your memory bank. I've always had too many "ideas" or "things-to-do" occur when I didn't have a good place to write them down, and I'd lose the thought. This little tip is really beginning to work for me!
3) Just have one "in box" where all your paper goes when it comes in the door. Then, once a day or once a week sort it out. Much easier than multiple piles in different spots.
4) Assign a place for all your stuff (so it has a home), and put it away NOW. A corollary to this is to clean it NOW. I've had to keep working on this one--sometimes I do it better than others :-)

It's so much better when YOU tell your stuff who's in charge, and YOU take control of your surroundings. I'd encourage you to take a few baby steps; make a little change and see how great it feels!

Okay, on to what I have available for sale/trade right now:
Fresh cow's milk yogurt - $2.00/quart (bring your own refill containers)
Mixed salad greens - $2.50/10-ounce bag (gallon ziplock size)
Heirloom tomato starts in 4" pots (check with me for available varieties) - $2.50/plant
Fresh farm eggs, large - $3.00/dozen

To order, just email me at

Happy spring!!

1 comment:

  1. So true! I'm definitely feeling the need to get rid of excess stuff and clutter and these are great tips, a good step towards a "simpler lifestyle". Sorry I just now got on here and have not been able to post or comment!
